Valerie, Maverick and I are leaving to London to meet up with the Culture Shock Team London team tomorrow (Sunday, May 13) and we are EXCITED!! We have been looking forward for this trip for some time now and it's finally here! We knew the Culture Shock Team London 6 month mission trip was happening, but we didn't think we were going to be able to go, BUT God opened the doors! With us not planning on this trip happening for us, we did not get a financial plan set for us and the trip. Between the money we had in our Network 21 Missions missionary account and a few people giving to us when they heard we were going, we had just enough to purchase our tickets! That in itself is a miracle since we purchased the tickets so close to departure!
With the exchange rate being 1.62 pounds to the 1.00 US dollar (as of today), we are still needing at least $1,500 for transportation, lodging, and living.If you would like to partner with us in a one-time gift, we would appreciated it! When we get back in June, we'll start our fundraising for us becoming full time missionaries, so if anyone feels lead to even start monthly gifts, that would help jump start our new journey! Along our new journey, we need as much prayer support as well. If you choose to help out financially in any way, here is the link to donate! Thank you for your continued support! All donations are tax deductible Well, when you open our website or blog site or whatever you want to call it, you see two different flyers or posters. These are two big things that Val and I are involved in and apart of. So, I figured that I'd write and blog kind of explaining it to whoever reads this. Outreach2012 is an idea that came together starting with directors and board members of the non-profit organization (Network 21 Missions) that we work with. Ever since traveling to London a decade ago, they always wanted to have some kind of presence m there or surrounding area of London. After we saw that the 2012 Summer Olympics were going to be in London, there was an immediate sense of urgency to start preparing and be there before, during and after the 2012 Olympics. So here is how Outreach2012 started an idea into an AMAZING team that is currently raising funds to go over there! The Beginning... Of course being here in the States made it (and still is) hard to get everything figured out. We met via phone, email, personal meetings with several people from the UK area, people here in the States with some kind of influence there in the UK, other organizations, etc about this idea and how in the world do we get started....and we got the same answer from about 90% of them, "That's an awesome idea and we want to be apart, let us know when you get it figured out!" Well, that didn't help since we were fishing for ideas and answers on how to get it started from them! We continued working on the idea of having a team in London during the Olympics. About a month or month and a half ago, we went from an idea to a reality with a team of 7 college-aged people! One Sunday morning during church, my sister-in-law felt like she needed to go to London. This in its self was a shock because she is a "home body", she hates being away from home for an extended period of time. So when she approached her dad (which is the director of Network 21 Missions) he was shocked. She continued to express her heart and feelings and after sharing this with us, we all knew this could be the beginning. To take one step back, when she was telling her dad about this, it came up taking a film crew and filming the trip. (Outline of the film crew: back in 2009, while Culture Shock Team 1 was out, we had an idea about filming the trips and edited for a possible TV show that we could be used for multiple purposes. #1 - marketed to TV channels to be used to help fund missions and ministries around the world, #2 - show all the different aspects of missions and the trips, #3 - show the different cultures around the world, and #4 - encourage people to go on a missions trip.) After the filming part was brought up, she automatically knew who she was going to contact. When she got a hold of the guy, from Colorado, he told her that he and some of his college friends were talking about going backpacking in the UK this summer and was stoked about the trip! The Present.... After it was all said and done, there is now a team of 7 college-aged people that has started raising funds for this trip. This past Sunday night, 6 of the team members got together for the first time and we had our first team meeting. Even though this is a MONSTER leap of faith for some of the team members, you could tell they were ready to embark on this crazy journey. They are all starting to post blogs on their trip blog page (well, we've asked them to anyways) to start getting the word out about what they are doing and also maybe help them raise the money they are needing for this trip. You can read their blogs by going to the Network 21 Missions website and going to the "Blogs" page and choose the team member you would like to read about. We are hoping to have the blogs up and ready on the website by the end of this month, so by December you can start following the team on their journey before they actually go out on their journey on OUTREACH2012! To give you a little insight on "Give a Pair, For a Pair"...
About month or month and a half ago, Val's cousin (Lori Beth Clements) and her family went to Angola to be medical missionaries there. Lori's husband, John Clements, is an Ophthalmologist that graduated and has already done a fellowship at Harvard. Even though they could have done or gone anywhere with the amazing talents that God has given John, they chose to go to a very needy country and help give back to the people of Angola. About two or three weeks ago, Val was reading their blog they post to tell about their journey in Angola. The particular blog that she was reading was a blog about them needing a miracle, in the area of the lack of eye glasses for the people they are trying to help in Angola. So when Val told this to me, we both immediately know that this is something we needed to do. Val and I have been wanting to make a difference in our community and, ultimately, around the world. We decided to start this campaign to start collecting at least 1,000 pair of eye glasses for them. We want to help fulfill this need and miracle so they can continue to impact the country of Angola! We are taking ANY eye-seeing glasses that we can get. Prefer to keep the lens in if possible, but if you need them or lost them, we will take the empty glasses frame as well. We will also take cash donations for this as well. The cash donations will help out with the transport of the glasses and we can also use this to purchase reading glasses if needed. If you, your business or your church want to help us with the "Give a Pair, For a Pair" campaign, please contact us. If you or your organization need anything in writing that you donated to this cause, we can do so. This is being ran through the non-profit organization (Network 21 Missions) that Val and I work with and they are recognized by the IRS as a non-profit organization and can provide something in writing that you or your organization donated. We are finally here at the Galapagos Islands and it is awesome!! I have video blogs that I'm editing and post soon! Make sure and check them out and the Culture Shock team 1 blogs and video blogs! |
Chad & Valerie TrinkleGod loves you more than you think he does. Archives
March 2016